Golden drainpipes

The head cold that I'd suspected I was incubating yesterday came into full flower, so a morning of staff development in a stuffy conference room and an afternoon's graduation ceremony at the Sage were quite a trial. Luckily I managed not to sneeze when sitting on the platform during the graduation. The honorary graduands were Stuart Munro (of Dynamic Earth) and Lee Hall (of Billy Elliott).

It was a great relief to be back home and we popped round to the China Palace for some of their spicy bean curd with chilli sauce (listed amongst their vegetable dishes, but curiously containing minced pork) - a blast of chilli was just what I needed. On our way home I noticed the golden drainpipes; not a very good photo , but it's only at this time of year that they're sometimes caught by the setting sun (this was at about 9.30 in the evening).

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