Its a war zone!

Today began badly with a puncture! The spare tyre was one of these skinny emergency tyres I hate them! Anyhows changed the tyre , went for a paper, came back and his lordship Buggsy Malone had dug yet another huge hole in the front garden. Those of you already familiar with this wabbit will know that he has passed MENSA and will soon be entering himself in Mastermind or Eggheads with his chosen subject ...escaping! I filled the hole with a big chunk of concreate ( I am now running out of chunks and having to purloin some from other nearby gardens) I then thrust a 3foot long log filled with stones into the rest of the hole.
When I wnet back inside and he went to inspect my latest fortifications, he then threw a wobbly and began running like mad round the garden and annoying the poor wee Guinea pigs.

I managed to grab a shot of him inspecting my latest attempt at ensuring his incarceration. At the moment he is not a happy bunny and has gone back to sitting atop one of the boxes to contemplate his next move. ( I reckon he would also be a Grand Master at Chess) I have noticed that he is also chewing the bottom of the gate so that calls for some mustard, that usually does the trick though I think he may be getting a kick out of it!

Watch out for the next episode in the Great Escape!

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