Party Pretties

20 months + 5

Party Day!!! Katie must have known that today we were going to Aiden's first birthday party, because she slept through but got up early, and excited. 5am early. She had a fabulous time helping Mummy get ready, and attempted her own make up. She pinched eye liner, mascara, lip gloss and shimmer. It was quite a brilliant sight (although, not quite as strange as Mummy later filling up with petrol, in a tutu. Mummy may have looked strange but Katie all dressed in her pretties made me melt completely. She looked so pretty, and loved her little shoes. For about 2 minutes. Her ears/bow headband was a big success. Thankyou so much Ferny for lending her it all!

We were at the party early to help set up. Katie's early start got the better of her thoug and she went to sleep in the pushchair, missing the first half hour too. She didnt much want to wake up, and had a cuddle with our friend who was grown up Mickey! Mummy was on photographer duty, although Katie stayed at my side for lots of the time. She did play with the other mummies and friends, and loved pass the parcel. She was excited to win a box of raisins - easily pleased! And she ate lots of chocolate frosting. She ran around with her wiggly balloon and picked having an alien over having a fairy wand.

After the party, she had a great time playing with a couple of her Saturday friends at the play cafe. She had cuddles and tickles from the owner, which she liked a lot. She made a new friend, a little boy called Rupert. And has troughed. Grapes by the bucket, sausages, crackers, yogurt, allsorts! She's done me proud today, my little mini Minnie. xxx

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