What Goes Round, Comes Round.

My mock celebration of 'er indoors being away for a week has come back to haunt me. But she'll be enjoying her holiday even more now in the knowledge that she won't need to pass me the remote control, make me a nice cup of tea, pass me the Radio Times, make me a hhhham samwidge, buy me comics and ice cream and write a note to teacher.

Actually (and this is for 'er indoors, so you lot can stop reading now) I'm ok. Just need a couple days of rest with my old friend HypaGel strapped to my hamstring. A DVD marathon awaits. (And, yes, I've done the washing, and, yes, I'll be at the stair meeting tonight and, yes, I've moved the hotel one foot to the right). x

Blip is better than Skype.

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