Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

Lush ( this is not an autobiographical title )

Suprise afternoon off to myself ,so I did one of those things where you put one foot in front of the other at a slightly above walking pace, plug yourself into music that frankly could never be played publically and and move in a way that ensures your boobs wobble in a bra made by a sports company whose USP can only be
" We're sadistic".

You know the score, I went for a run, I ran along the canal, stopped for some photos, ya de ya de ya. Infact you all know the score so well that you could all be my blip understudies in the event of my camera fingers being bitten off by a wild animal ( don't think it couldn't happen, there was a puma spotted recently in these parts .. an actual real one, none of that false toy tiger nonsense like happened in Hampshire recently Sillly Police )

So now I have got charming visual image covered... where were we?

Today has been lovely, really lovely. Took the girls for a quick walk this morning, Erin borrowed my camera and was snapping away ernestly. They went off with their Dad this afternoon and I had my run, popped into the URC church in Saltaire where Titus Salt is buried , had a few words of thanks to say to the big man, if it wasn't for Salt then what on earth would I blip most of the time??

Headed off to Lister Park after this, had a drink with my friend Vicky and then wandered taking photos.

The rain held off and the gardens looked so lush and fresh. Delightful , and all on my doorstep ( not literally, although if I did Blip what was on my doorstep it would be a failed sunflower and a weatherbeaten mat and a snail trail, I'll save that for a special day ).

I feel happy and content today which I do believe was the whole reason for doing this Blip journal. Probably not an excuse for writing such off the wall drivel but look this is day 2 of Cloud Cold Turkey so you will have to excuse any unusual behaviour!

Life is good.

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