Pipe Dreams

When I was little and we used to write in our school books what we wanted to be when we grew up ( this was based on the assumption that we actually did, they forgot that some people like me lacked the maturity to ever be a respectable adult); I used to write " A nurse or a ballerina". Anyone who knows me knows that I have all the daintiness of a baby elephant and that a dance career was as likely for me as a career in a nunnery.

So nursing it is. What they didn't tell me at school was that in my 40s I would also have the job of Single Mum which includes being so rock n roll as to be sitting on a Tues evening sewing on Brownies badges whilst writing about it on a world wide web application.

I am having to counter this disastrous feminine Jane Austen style activity by watching the football at the same time. Yin and Yang and all that.

It reminds me of one time when I was in Asda buying tampax and my basket ended up with said product plus chocolate, plus wine, plus ice cream, plus magazines. I looked so girly that I had to buy a tin of corned beef and a hammer aswell just so I didn't get mistaken for a full on member of the True Feminine Brigade.

I am not a girly girl

Neither are these rock godesses

Come on England ... oh and can anyone help me thread this needle...


Footnote.Nothing wrong with girly girlies. They are dainty and pretty and they are not so clumsy as to smash all their wine glasses within a week of buying them. It's just that I can't ever get excited about handbags and plumping cushions.

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