Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

The Good Things

I suppose that the good thing about only having one hours sleep is that you get to see views like this at silly o clock in the morning. Shame it's not a sunrise but it's hidden . I still like the tones though and the calmness that goes with a 4 o' clock dawn view . It's not my best photo but I assure you that being this tired, photograohy could well be the last thing on my mind today. I could always change this later to a photo of the matchsticks keeping my eyes open...

So it's Monday morning , it a seize the day morning , letter going to David Cameron today . When I am on the computer later I will publish the letter I have sent . It's an opt in read , so please ignore me if the last thing you need over your porridge is politics . There's nothing worse than me making someone fall asleep in their oats. It's like Goldilocks gone wrong.

Have a lovely day you all, wake up and go get 'em

Update here it is

Dear Mr Cameron,

I write with regards to one of your back benchers: my MP Philip Davies for Shipley.

I am sure mine will not be the first contact you have received as a result of his controversial speech in Parliament on Friday, regarding "the hindrance " of the minimum wage. I urge you to consider that such a volume of negative response is a reflection of how inappropriate his comments were and how they need addressing by yourself.

It is rare that a minor back bencher is invited onto News Night to defend his views which I think demonstrates the level of distaste that he has registered with the general public and the media alike.

I do not need to discuss all the minutiae of why his views are abhorrent, your party has made it clear that you do not agree with him and have disassociated yourself from his views. I would like this to be taken a step further. I want, at the very least, for Mr. Davies to publically apologise for his actions

I have contacted Mr Davies himself but have had no response. I am interested that he says his views represent what disabled people want. I have asked what the figures for people with learning difficulties are in our constituency and how many people with learning difficulties he has actually garnered views from. I would argue that as he has not answered this it demonstrates that his speech was based on anecdote rather than being a true cross section of his disabled constituency.

I am alarmed that as an MP he can make such arbitrary statements and insult firstly all vulnerable people looking for work but also members of the public by trying to persuade us that he is somehow being a champion for vulnerable people. If his views were genuinely reflective does he not wonder why disability campaigners are so angry with him? I would argue that rights campaigners are more in touch with the views of disabled people than him. Mr Davies seems to be implying that he is an advocate for vulnerable people but an advocate would be fighting for the very best for people and would be asserting themselves in order to get this. If a vulnerable person with learning difficulties is asking for less wages, should we not be fostering self esteem and bolstering confidence with these individuals and teaching them NOT to ask for less? This appears to be a David and Goliath situation and surely as a compassionate and progressive and, may I say it , " Big "society, we have a duty to help David not Goliath.

To place Mr Davies' " findings " in reality then consider that, in science, we would not accept a piece of research as being valid if it had only utilised a tiny study group . Why and how does Mr Davies think that a few chats at MIND means that this is enough evidence to change the fabric of employment law?

I am alarmed that, as a previous manager of Asda, his views around employment law are that the minimum wage is a potential hindrance. It is up to employers to challenge their views and attitudes with regards to disability so that they wouldn't automatically chose to employ a disabled person over a none disabled person. Mr Davies again uses rhetoric to say this is " the real world ". As Mr Davies is in a privileged position of power in this real world , and especially with a working knowledge of employment law, he should be prime candidate for challenging employers not condoning their decision by saying essentially " that's just the way it is".

And finally, I am alarmed that as a human being he would devalue vulnerable people to such an extent that they should work for less money than a very poor minimum wage. I know he argues that it would be a choice people make. How much of an informed choice would it be if we are talking about vulnerable people? How does Mr Davies think these people would afford to live once employed on poor wages? Even if he does not have the humanity and social adeptness to understand the concept of empathy, he does have a calculator and a pencil to work out that these people would not survive such financial pressures.

I am absolutely disgusted that a man in such power has acted so badly. I am ashamed that he is my MP. I actually need to contact him about an issue regarding child maintenance, but am worried that as a single parent he may use his right wing views and judge me.

I can assert myself well and will find an alternative channel to seek help other than him. What worries me is that not only has he alienated vulnerable people but also people like me. By behaving like this, he is making himself unapproachable which is completely incongruent with being a representative of the people. We are now in a situation where the Labour candidate for Shipley is apologising on Twitter for not winning the election, if she had won, then Mr Davies would never have been able to behave like this. I think we are now in an untenable situation that the MP is offending people and yet it is his opposition who is apologising to the constituency.

Mr Davis is in a privileged position, elected by the public and yet he has spoken rashly and offended many. Sadly this is only one in a long long line of things that he has said that has caused disgust. (His far right views on children in detention at Yarl?s Wood, his comments about black and Muslim people?).

This issue needs resolving as there is bad taste locally and nationally .I do not see how people can trust Mr Davies. I do not feel he is worthy of being a representative of Shipley. I have canvassed with our local Green councillor sometimes and I can assure you that the people of Shipley are not about marginalising the vulnerable. Our councillor represents us fairly and tirelessly and yet our MP does not. There is a disparity between what we , the people, want and what is being said on behalf of us in Parliament.

Shipley is a wonderful place to live and I am deeply ashamed that my representative is casting such shame on it in the House of Commons and in the media. He is also bringing shame upon the Tory Party.

I urge your swift response and action.

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