With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

What's up there?

I tried the mono setting in various ways, but the contrast wasn't quite enough for this, just before sunset (which was stunning, but I wasn't going to do a rooftop shot, never seems to work). This is looking towards Biniaraix near Cas Fiols, with an already very dry looking torrent on the left.

It is now most definitely summer. There are rumblings of some unease with South American and local youths. The pool is open however, and after a rather fruitless day, owing to a really grotty shoulder again, the boys needed to get out there. And so did I, very glad to see Mich and Jay who are looking fabulous in their bikinis. Go girls!

The boys are now in the port for the night and I am trying to relax a bit.
A g+t on the terrace and I hope there's a good film on. Little Agu has left me one of his play figures, with stern instructons for play, in case I get lonely. He says it's a sure cure.

When I took this, the last rays were reflecting off the windows of a house high up (lower left third). That would be nice.

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