hello again

By admirer


looks very quiet and rustic, most of the time and then suddenly there is a uproar and all birds are chasing another, the coot chases the duck, the Nile goose chases all the ducks in a big circle and it goes on and on and then suddenly silence again.
The little ones stay with their mother or father and if they both are gone they seek each other for comfort.
In zen-practice you are looking for losing yourself, losing your ego and not seeking comfort or praise, no you are supposed to free your mind of all wishing and wanting.
This can be hard in making photos, decide which photo you prefer above another, why bother? Be glad if a fellow-blipper praises you, why should you?
I myself ask Piet Hein to look with me, and if he finds a picture not the same way as I do, I feel insecure and it takes rather a long time before I decide that I still like it.
Depending on the judgment of some else. I suppose we all learned it at an early stage in our lives. And become free of that what would that mean in practical terms?
In Blipland we learn from each other through looking and comparing and if we succeed we are happy, I am, at least, very much so. I still am.

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