With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Tethered to the weather

I was lucky to get my session in with Xavi this morning because a) I desperately needed to shake the fever I seemed to have acquired during the night and b) the weather turned foul again. Actually, I am really enjoying the storms. It's unusual to have such thunderstorms midday at this time of year. Saturday's was apparently a one in a 100 year thing. And it hit my friends' hotel. Entertaining for us at the time, but not them and a few other people 'shocked' by the whole thing.

I had a lovely morning before it struck, with a bit of coffee and hello to Madelaine and her sister who are over again!

Then a lunch caught amidst the hailstones, with F and R, and boys home from school, before 2 hours of sewing a fish head for little Agu's end of year event. Blip tomorrow I think.

On the way home, I was determined to get a better shot than of late, so we drove via Fornalutx to see if the torrent was raging. It seems not yet, but these tethered sheep hobbled down the terraces as a bit of light percolated through the clouds. Ah well. Another day.

Thanks to ph7 for yesterday's sea cucumbers

Feeling like a flu thing coming on so I'm off with a little whisky and zeds.

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