With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


I hope phseven got some good shots of the science fair today, because I was too busy judging. There were incredible efforts from some groups of children, the winners included a hydrogen cell, an 'electric bridge', earthquake proof buildings and a water saving device that really would work and save lots of money and resources. Stunning. Power point presentations all over the place too.

Home, tennis (6-3), homework is already done now the boys are finishing earlier, knackered, these books are waiting for me on the sofa thanks to AKHF. She lent me an Ada Leverson and I had to speed read the last chapters to get it back to her before she left last night. Fantastic Bloomsbury stuff, and the funniest and most accurate description of a wedding I've ever read. It's been on Radio 4, so you may have heard it. I'm on them, wanting to know what happens...

Night night, off for a quiet read.

Edit, forgot to mention that my colleague Christine brought some sea cucumbers and friends in for a display after a diving trip yesterday. We kept them for a few hours only. Should have been today's blip, but got carried away with the judging...

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