With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Swimming with the fishes

I knew I took this emergency blip for a reason this morning.

This vision impeding creation is for Agu's end of term celebration that our group of mums and dads set about making yesterday. Glad I rushed it at the time, or else it would be sitting there like an impending file on the desk of doom in the office of never ending pointless tasks. Sorry, it's not pointless.

I stood outside the house this morning, trying to remember where the car was parked for a good five mintues, with the boys running up and down the streets, collecting dog poo on their shoes on the way making us even later. Fever gripped during the night and it wasn't going to be a very productive day. The poor boys received my grumps with very good humour and accepted apologies this evening.

My colleagues came up trumps with the solution after seeing me with a rather vacant look in my eyes. They switched things round, so I could teach my Year 10 class and then scoot off home to bed with a Frenadol. I'm very grateful to Carolyn and Ruth for being so obliging. I don't think I'm going to make it in tomorrow. I'll be swimming in chicken soup.

EDIT Wouldn't granny be pleased I remembered blanket stitch?

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