With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Somebody must have left the fridge door a little bit open. The fan didn't work and a whole row of semi-abandoned jars got frozen to the back of the fridge.

It's now officially hot. Glorious in fact. Not the kind of heat that keeps you awake at night, thank goodness. After half a day of hard graft for all of us, clearing the cellar of junk and oiling parched wood, etc., a dip in a friend's pool for a couple of hours was a huge relief. Thanks F, it was wonderful and I'm so peeved at missing the Soller gambas. Let's corner Ricardo the fisherman another time. Frozen food is all very well, but fresh seafood cannot be beaten!

Have you noticed it's all the Ikea stuff that's stuck?

p.s. The fridge is sparkling now :)

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