The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters

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Today is significant for two reasons:
1. It is my son Alex's 4th birthday.
2. We are heading off on our first outing of the year in our caravan as it is the half-term holiday.

We ended up heading out a bit later than planned (we always do so we plan to go earlier than we really need to as a result: it tends to balance itself out in the end) and had to stop off for some lunch. I took this shot when we were stopped at Waitrose in Swaffham, Norfolk getting some emergency lunch as we realised that we would not get to our destination near Cromer and set up in time for lunch.

It rained when we got the caravan to the site but I did have enough time to get the awning up before it did so. I originally took a photograph with my BlackBerry of rain on our caravan's front window to typify a caravan holiday in the UK but couldn't upload it as we had managed to get to one of the few locations in the UK where I cannot get so much as a poor signal on either Orange or T-Mobile networks so this week's shots are backblipped on our return. The lack of coverage was in some ways liberating and in other ways very scary as mobile phones have become so much a fact of life.

The title and processing are a cryptic link to the 1981 hit by the band of the same name to mark the significance of the number one occasion.
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