All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Popping bubbles

**Yawn ** Another 5 something o'clock start from Ethan. To be fair to him though he was babbling away to himself and laughing loads and we didn't actually go through to him till 6am. But still...!

Busy day at work with lots of computer problems. Had lots of "one of those day" moments.

I'm hoping I haven't made a big mistake with Ethan tonight. I gave him baked beans on toast for dinner which he wolfed down ... I'd forgotten he'd had chicken curry for lunch at nursery though. Hmmm .... it could be payback time with nappies tomorrow!

He had a bit of a meltdown after dinner when he realised the batteries in his bubble machine had broken down. It was a long 2 minutes while hubbie changed them! Ethan was then transfixed by the bubbles for all of 5 minutes and then ignored them!

We've put an extra curtain over his bedroom window this evening to try to keep the room darker. So it now has a blackout blind and 2 layers of curtains up. Wonder what the chances are of it helping him sleep in for longer in the morning.

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