All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

A work in progress

Woken yet again at 5 something o'clock by Ethan. At least today though it was to the sound of him chuckling away to himself in his cot rather than him crying / yelling. After ignoring him for 20 mins though he was starting to get a bit hacked off so we had to bring him in with us for his bottle. I'm thinking I might have to readjust my own bedtime these days to around 7pm to ensure I get enough sleep!

He is loving going to nursery these days. I let him walk in now once we're in the main door, rather than carrying him through. Today he marched straight through to the baby room and up to the highchairs for breakfast without so much as a backwards glance at me. I know when I'm not wanted! He has also been spending more time in the tweenies room with a view to him graduating there soon. They have been trying this for some weeks now and he wasn't too keen but seems to be happier in there this week.

He was a happy wee boy this evening. Ate loads of dinner and had lots of playtime / books before his bath. Was wide awake when put to bed but we haven't heard a peep out of him since. I think he's rather tired tonight too but I can guarantee he's not as tired as me! Think the housework can wait and I'm going to enjoy an early night myself.

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