All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Obi 2 months on

I realised earlier this evening that I haven't put an update on here about Obi for ages. It's now just over 2 months since his RTA and he was officially discharged from the vets several weeks ago. This means he doesn't need fortnightly check ups any more and I only have to take him back if I'm worried about him. As you can see from this picture, one of his eyes is still damaged. He'll probably need eyedrops for the rest of his life as he can't blink properly and has an ulcer in it. He can see, but has impared vision and walks around slightly cautiously. Other than that though, he's doing great! He's desperate to go outside and has escaped several times - a week ago we found him sunbathing in the garden!

Ethan & I had a busy day today. We started with his 2nd swimming class which he loved. He was burbling away during it and was clearly quite happy in the water. I then took him along to baby clinic as I haven't had him weighed since I started weaning him. He's now 13lb 9oz and slightly on the skinny size for his height, but doing just fine.

He was obviously so worn out after all that as he fell asleep in the car and once we got home slept for a mammoth 3 hours! I wish I'd known in advance that he'd sleep so long as then I could have got a nap in too. As it was, I got lots done around the house and even managed to do a bit more pureeing.

Hubbie really missed him when we were at my parents for 2 days as we didn't get back till late last night, after he had gone to bed. So he had some daddy and Ethan time this evening whilst I languised in the bath. Bliss!

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