Snapshots of reality

By ktbm


Today we actually did go on the sunrise boat trip - this is a photo of the sunrise from our little boat. Thanks to my camera being slightly broken I have to consciously tilt it in order to get the horizon horizontal, which is annoying! The boat trip was good, getting to see the ghats from a different perspective. We also went to the burning ghat, which is where people from all over India come to die and be cremated. It's a very interesting place, they burn hundreds of bodies a day and each one takes up to 3 hours and 250kg of wood. Then they put the ashes and bits of bone into the Ganges, where lots of people swim and drink the water!

After this we went on a tour of some of the temples - the Durga temple, Monkey temple and Rama Krishna temples. And it's still only 10.18am! What to do before our train to Agra this evening?

38 degrees

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