michigan man

By outdoorguy

Lobster ???

A trivia question to start. What is the only state in the United States that does'nt have a Red Lobster restaurant? (Answer Later.)

I was finishing up my walk this rainy morning when I saw this critter on the sidewalk. Lobsters in Michigan? I tried to tell myself that it was a crayfish or a crawfish, but I think it is a lobster. I also thought it was dead, but a gentle nudge with my toe proved otherwise.

The answer is Maine. They have so many lobster stands, lobster pounds, and seafood restaurants...that they must figure the restaurant would have too much competition.

I took a trip to Maine last year with my dad, and my two sisters. My sister Terrie ordered the "lazy man" lobster. That means the restaurant brings in a guy straight off the dock who has'nt washed his hands in 3 years...and he picks the "meat" out of the lobster. Then it comes right to the table. She said it was delicious.

I did'nt have any lobster on that trip. Many years ago, my wife and I were in Bahhhh Harbahhhhh with her parents. A corner restaurant had an early bird special. Lobstahhh dinner for I think $ 9.95. We all had lobster. A young(25-30) foreign couple came in and sat at the table next to us. They ordered lobster, too. The waiter came out and placed the lobster in front of the woman. The young lady let out a shreek, and jumped up so quick that she banged her head on the outdoor umbrella. I guess she was'nt expecting what she got. She should have ordered it "lazy-man style."

I thought about catching the lobster and taking him home for dinner. The lobsters they serve out east run from a pound to a pound and a half. This guy was more like a famous McDonalds hamburger- a quarter-pounder. I could call my sister and invite her over. I could pick the "meat" out for her. I decided not to take him home, because I don't think I want to be the one who throws him into the boiling water.

I still don't know why he's out taking a stroll on the sidewalk. If I see another one...I've already got a plan going in my head for some tiny little lobster traps, and some of those white rubber boots. Perhaps a giant vat to cook them in, and a roadside stand. The possibilities are endless.....

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