All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Thirsty Work

Today was a local bank holiday so I only went in to work for 6 hours, finishing just after 2pm. Hubbie also got away early so before we collected Ethan from nursery, we went down to the car dealership and picked up our new car! I'm not sure whether Ethan noticed the difference or not but he did look rather confused when both hubbie and I went into the nursery together to collect him, and much earlier than usual too!

He was rather tetchy this evening again though, especially when hubbie wouldn't let him play outside. It's far too wet and wild out there though. He did, however, play with his Duplo quite happily for a while, crawled through his play tunnel over and over and drank TONS of water. Baby nurofen administered at bedtime and hopefully he'll sleep well tonight.

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