All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


I'd managed to get more free cinema tickets via Film First , this time to see She's Out of my League at the cinema at Xscape at Braehead. It was at 11am which was a bit early to go through to Glasgow, but hubbie drove Mum & I through so we could see the film, whilst he had some daddy time with Ethan.

It was a fun, if preidictable romcom film to watch on a Sunday morning. It's not going to win any Oscars, and follows a pretty set format (geeky guy hankering after previous dead-end relationship, meets glamorous woman, against the odds they start dating but due to self esteem issues and misunderstandings they split up before their friends interveen and get them back together again). However, there are also quite a few laughs in it and it's easy viewing. Probably one for a girlie night out / in so I'm glad I went with my mum rather than my hubbie.

It was interesting to see what's at Xscape as it's much bigger there than I thought. We watched the bungee jumpers in the car park - I like to do things which challenge me but don't think I'd ever pluck up the courage to do that!

After that, we took Mum home to Beith and spent a few hours there before heading back home again.

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