Ugly journal

By AlanDrummond

"What a difference a day makes... 24 little h

Well as the title suggests, so much can change within a a day.


I woke up today feeling very skeptical of how it all may play out. However I managed to see the positive and keep my chin up. I dropped my son off at nursery and headed into college to finalise the last few pieces of work I need before I complete my 3 year long studies of photography. I have mixed emotions on how I feel about finishing my studies. This has been one of the main parts of my life for the past 3 years, some very memorable moments have been taken from these times, some good and some bad. I will miss some of the friends I have made and wish them the best of luck when it comes to finding their own paths in life. But lets get back to the story...

For the past few weeks I have had weird occurrences where I think of a friend I haven't seen or spoke to in ages and then no more than 2 days later in each case I either receive a text from them, walk past them in the street or bump into them in the unlikeliest of places. Could this be fate? could this be coincidence? Or could this be a guy looking into things a little to deeply? Either way I still think its all a tad weird. As I was walking to the local train station after dropping my son off at nursery I get to the steps that lead you up to the train station and as I glance over to the station I'm sure i see one of my friends that I haven't really seen for a while. I stare and stare until i realise it isn't them. I think nothing more of it and wait for my train as usual. As I get onto my train and take my seat i slip myself into morning train mode and put my cans on to start listening to the mornings playlist of music. Just as I press play someone taps me on the shoulder. Who do I turn round to? The friend that I thought i saw at the train station (it definitely wasn't this friend that was at the station when I was walking down up the stairs). What a weird series of events these random meetings are.

After getting off the train I head to college Library and start on my work. As I'm doing this I'm chatting to my girlfriend on BBM. I've been going to college with Amy for a year now and we only really started showing interest for each other in the last few months of our studies (it's amazing how someone who you are now in a relationship with was for so long just a girl you never thought you had a chance with!)
No matter how many times a week I see amy I can never get enough. I love spending time with her as when we are together she makes me feel amazing! When talking to her on messenger it's all good but it's never as good as actually seeing her in person. The more we chatted over messenger the more I needed to see her.

I came to the decision that college work wasn't as important as my need to see her! I headed to the train station to start my journey to her house!

I was feeling great by this point! That was however until I received a phone call from my work on my day off letting me know that I'm being disciplined for something extremely silly! What a farce! I didn't let this bother me as I was on my way to see one of the two people who can bring a massive smile to my face!

I spent the rest of the morning and afternoon with Amy hanging out, taking some pictures and getting some college work done.

As if my day couldn't feel any better I get a phone call whilst having tea with amy to let me know that I got the job i had applied for and I'm now an employe of Canon!! Needless to say this made me extremely happy!!!

After a small celebration me and Amy headed back to college to hand in one our final college units. After we handed in I assumed Amy would have had enough of me at this point, but no! She wanted to go another wee walk and grab some food from Yo suhi! Agin needless to say this made Alan a very happy man! After having an amazing time as I usually do with Amy she had to go =(. We said our goodbyes and off home i went.

This wasn't all too bad as I decided to make myself one of my favourite dishes for dinner. Home made Lentil soup!!

As I sit here eating my favourite meal, chatting to my favourite person and look forward to a new beginning in a new career all I can can do is reflect on the difference in my emotions from my post yesterday. All I can say is what a difference a day makes.

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