Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Daughter Day

When the phone sounded a text at 11:15 this morning, I knew it would be our daughter, that is just about the time she gets done at school where she is a teacher's aide in a classroom for handicapped children. She wanted to know what I was doing. So I replied that I was hanging-out with the pups and working on student papers. Her response was that she would phone me.

While talking on the phone with her, I learned that she had not gone to school today because she has a head cold that the students have shared with her. We decided to go to lunch together and soon we were on our way to the little cafe in Fullerton that we both enjoyed the day before Mother's Day.

It was a real "change of pace" day for me and an enormously pleasant surprise to again have some time with my daughter. I mentioned back in April that our daughter has been pretty distant for the past 18-20 months. Today we enjoyed a delicious lunch and relaxed time. I casually took this photo while she drove on the freeway toward home.

Good night from Southern California where we enjoyed a morning of lovely rain.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. And even though I did not spend this day in the classroom nor with students, I did enjoy an interesting email from several of them. The one below comes from a student who is now preparing to write the final semester essay that analyzes and discusses his investment in the class and his dividend (kind of a self-assessment):

"I know that I could have done better in this course, I know also that I'm trying, regardless of my grades. I'm not upset with you, like other students might be. I want you too know that. I'm more upset with myself, and how once again I've let myself just breeze-on by. When it comes down to it I should have spent much more time studying and composed what you wanted in those projects. Pass or fail, I'm guessing fail, I will have come out of this class knowing that no more can I just leave the class in the classroom. That I need to bring it home and study and prepare for the next day. I only hope that now knowing this, I can hopefully pass project 7. Thank you for your time."

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