Looking at the Future
Tomatoes on the vine, well almost. This little flower and the dozen or so on this plant will accompany summer salads once they become ripe tomatoes. A friend gave Mr. Fun a nice size planter-box of three tomato vines. If we can keep the squirrels from feasting ahead of us, we will have some lovely garnish for our salads.
It's been a good day. I had to spent the morning at the Riverside campus with all the English faculty in our district (three colleges). The goal of the meeting was to try to find a solution for the dismal success rate for students who enter college with the lowest possible skills. Most of them never get through the "basic skills/developmental writing" classes and then through freshman composition. The government is not happy with those figures. It might help, of course, if students would exit k-12 with the necessary knowledge and skill. I would not want to be a k-12 teacher. David Chura has written a very interesting blog about teaching k-12. He has titled it "Confessions of a 'Failing Teacher'."
I'm not feeling well. My head is full of a sinus cold and I'm doing everything I know to diminish it -- wheatgrass, fruit smoothies, medicine.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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