Seems only fitting to show the other end of the day. The kids had another good day at school, and Mr B and I were able to stop our ceaseless pacing and clock-watching of yesterday and get something done.
In the middle of a DIY store came the happy news that the van is apparently fixed, so a quick detour to a friend's place to book a flight for Mr B tomorrow morning (which turned into a detour to her husband's office as she - like me - couldn't work the printer at home.)
Some afternoon building, including a table that was broken inside its box - the double sellotaping indicating that it had already been returned to the shop once should have been a giveaway. Mr B, of course, salvaged the situation with a couple of bits of wood, and I now have a computer table and (drum roll) our internet has been turned on! Of course I'm still tapping away on the iPhone because our modem hasn't arrived yet... But it's close.
And then tonight I see the sad news about Molly in Tuscany.
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