It's time!

Time to backblip, that is! Today was cloudy and cold, grey and dull from dawn to dusk. I'm not even sure we experienced a dawn because the sun never peeked out from behind the heavy cloud cover. Add to that the temperatures that barely reached 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and you can see why the TV weatherman said it was more like late March than early May. The next two or three days are supposed to be even colder, but the sun may shine a little on Sunday. As I said in yesterday's blip, we left spring behind in Philadelphia.

Our trip to Philadelphia with our daughter, son-in-law, their children and their friends was great, and the weather was terrific. Philadelphia knows how to do spring, even if Cleveland doesn't. We had a wonderful time in a city I've always liked. My backblips begin here and include a picture of my hometown, our group, and my university. It was a quick trip, but we made some special memories.

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