A new bird in the bog

This little bird caught my eye as he flew into the bog. First I captured a picture of him standing in the bog, admiring his reflection perhaps. After a few minutes, he flew away and then returned to perch on this partially submerged log. He posed so nicely that I was delighted with him...and with myself for spotting him. I don't know what he is and haven't had time to look him up yet. If you know, please tell me!

Thunderstorms were predicted but haven't arrived yet; hopefully they won't come tonight because then Gulliver won't be able to sleep. If he can't sleep, he won't let us sleep either. The storms scare him. I know I have mentioned that before. The temperature soared into the 80s today, and it is sticky heat. Very unpleasant, but I'm not complaining...not yet anyway.

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