All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Last year we bought a tractor for Ethan. He hasn't paid that much attention to it really, but a few days ago he showed us how well he can now climb on and off it by himself. For some reason he can do it easily from one side but struggles on the other. But he has great fun! This morning, he found he had competition as Zoe was curled up, fast asleep on it. She soon woke up when Ethan started shouting and pointing at her though!

As he was awake early again today (5.30am), we were up, dressed and walking down to Morrisons by 9am. He was wide awake the whole time though despite me hoping he'd nap in his pushchair. Despite having been up for so long, he was in great form during his late morning swimming lesson. He's doing so well considering he's in a class with 3 year olds.

He fell asleep in the car on the way home and napped on the sofa for an hour. He was a bit tetchy when he woke so I sat and cuddled him - 5 minutes later he was asleep on my chest! As I never get to sit and watch tv these days I decided to just sit with him like that and caught up with some things on Sky+. Grandpa arrived while Ethan was still sleeping and when Ethan woke he was delighted to see him. He then sat and ate a late lunch whilst perched on Grandpas lap. Later on, Foreveryoung, baby Eden and Granny arrived for a visit too, so he had lots of attention, which he lapped up!

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