All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Watching the wedding

Finally ... after a fortnight of Ethan waking every morning at 5 something o'clock, last night he slept from 7.30pm till 6.30am - yay! Hope it's not a one off event!

He was really cheerful when he woke up and we had a great morning with him. Granny & Grandpa had stayed over last night and he was really pleased to see them when they came through to our room (I suspect Granny really came through because she could hear I had the tv on with the royal coverage which she wanted to see)!

Having said I'd only watch an hour or so of the coverage, it was hard not to get pulled in to the occasion and we watched loads of it. Ethan played with his toys quite happily for much of the time, then watched a bit of the wedding, then fell asleep on Grandpas lap for an hour!

In the afternoon, we took Ethan to Almond Valley Heritage Centre, where we met Wills & Kate! Ethan did loads of confident walking by himself while we were there. His walking just gets so much better day by day now. He'll be charging around before I know it at this rate!

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