All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Chocolate Muffins

Some days Ethan is an absolute joy to be around. Today wasn't one of them. I think hard work are probably the best 2 words to describe today!

Up during the night again with him and then he was grumpy Ethan for the majority of today. He didn't want to join in at all at gymnastics and was generally narky. I think the only time he was really happy was when him and Eden demolished some chocolate muffins together! Oh, and when we got his feet measured in Clarks and bought him some new dinosaur shoes.. For some reason he seemed to enjoy that!

We didn't manage to get him to have a nap at all today - by dinner time he was so tired he was falling asleep while eating (in the highchair, which he insisted on sitting in). He then woke up when I tried to change his nappy and put him in his PJs and got a new lease of life - wanting to play with his toys and NOT go to bed! Finally got him in bed just before 8pm but he didn't want to lie down and kept shouting out, trying to get either hubbie or I to go back up. Eventually hubbie went upstairs for a shower. Two minutes later I heard Ethan's footsteps on the landing and his voice shouted out "mummmeee - daddy in shower"! Even after a long day, it was hard to keep a straight face at that!

By contrast Eden, who we were looking after this morning, was a wee angel the whole time!

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