Joe's Blips

By joesblips

The Door to the Ghetto

As expected the promised internet connection hasn't come up to scratch so I am using an internet dongle supplied by my mobile phone provider. At home it costs just pence to run. Out here it could be costing a fortune, so I'll be brief.

Arrived at lunch time. Dinner now fast approaching. We cpent the afternoon in the Cannaregio area and later on I am heading out alone for dome more serious stuff concerning canals and sunsets.

This is Mrs. Joesblips at the original gateway to the original ghetto. In 1527 all Jews jiving in Venice were required to wear a yellow hat to signify that they were of Jewish stock. They were forbidden to be a member of a trade guild and very srrictly forbidden to fraternise with the local women. To that end they were to live on their own island under curfew at night. This was the entry gate which of course was kept locked at night while an armed boat patrolled the waters around the island. The word "ghetto" originated here in Venice and derived from the old "getto" (casting) due to an old iron foundry here. So this was the very first usage of the word which we have come to know all over the world and in reference to so many different peoples...the word "ghetto".

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