jeni and the beans

By themessymama

A room with a view

Sort of. Not from the bed though. This is the view from our - Ben's - bedroom window.

It's not exactly been a bad day, but I have spent it in bed. Fed up with feeling sick, feeling sorry for myself. Sleeping. I tried to do some work this morning and still haven't managed to finish the thing I started, I kept getting distracted, stopping, sleeping or eating, then confused as to where I'd left off.

Ben has spent the day watching DVDs and playing drums, although they did go out to the shops - Ben fell asleep on the way home and as I was not well when the bed transfer attempt happened Steve took him downstairs again to leave me be.

I have discovered a new respect for windeze. I can't get over how quickly one capsule worked today. There I was, complaining that I wished I could burp normally rather than sick the things up, one capsule and less than ten minutes later I'd burped all the gas up (it sounded horrific, Steve thought I was being really badly sick) and all I was left with was an insane hunger: not surprising given I'd not eaten for four or five hours.

Anyway after I'd had something to eat I did more sleeping and woke up another four or five hours later when Ben went into meltdown, over-tired. Couldn't believe it was 6pm already! We had a chocolate biscuit each, Steve managed to get him into a night nappy and then Ben cuddled up next to me in bed - still clothed - and fell asleep.

I've escaped and come downstairs for the first time today. Steve's cooking mash and carrots and green things and lamb steaks and gravy - if I'm only going to eat a proper meal once a day it might as well be worth it and oh boy am I looking forward to it now it's arriving on the table!!

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