
Playtime at tots this morning.

Oh my goodness the rain is relentless!! Thankfully for us it stopped long enough to cross the road to our Wednesday toddler group, but Ben put wellies and a raincoat on just in case anyway. He still managed to find some decent puddles to stomp in!

He was off playing independently immediately, but after storytime he "lost" me during the craft activity and wanted me to help with the craft just to make sure I was around, then declared he had to play some more! So we have a bag of bits to do the craft with... It's nice knowing that he's well enough known and liked there for me to be able to concentrate on Charley, knowing that he's ok and will call for me if he wants me.

After tots we trotted down to tesco for milk, stomping in every puddle possible along the way, and on the way back decided to catch the bus to the supermarket for lunch and the rest of the grocery shopping. I managed to mess up my bus timings completely though and ended up waiting outside our house for the wrong bus instead of walking to the station for the right bus, but even though the wrong bus at least took us to the station it meant we then had a half hour wait for the right bus instead of staying warm by walking. Sigh. I'm usually better at buses than that. Charley woke up before the bus arrived and was getting irritable but thankfully the bus was interesting enough to get us to the shops without a meltdown.

Straight to the cafe, chips and water for Ben; soup, bread and fizz for me - such creatures of habit, even at the supermarket cafe! Charley had a sit in the highchair and a gum of a piece of bread before discarding it and declaring he wanted milk, and both boys made all the grandparents sitting around us coo over them ;o) Ben can be the most adorable kid ever when he's being Ben, but he can also be so embarrassing!! The lady chatting to us said all children are the same and not to worry myself, just to enjoy them while they are still funny children. I think I love her. She has 3 great-grandchildren now and was telling me about them, then chatting to Ben who decided she was alright, and cooing over Charley. Happy times.

Shopping done, nearly collapsed at the checkout ("how much?!" and that's even buying the cheapest possible of most stuff *sigh*) and dragged the trolley back onto the bus home...

AND I cooked lasagne for dinner.

I am officially amazing.


I think I ought to go to bed now. I've not even had the dram of whisky I was looking forward to!!

Today's lifeonthesofa was a bit of fun... plus the alternative!
And Ben conned me into buying this for him. He knows my weaknesses so well.

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