jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Chocolate: good, bad or ugly?

Well, it's been all three today.

It's been good. Ben had a lot of it. Enjoyed it GREATLY. Demolished that egg in 10 minutes flat. Got chocolate smeared all over the cushions on the sofa. Looking at the Legs' journal, I see I made a classic error and should have let him have the chocolate out in the garden... He still has a mr potato head egg, and a chocolate bunny, and a chocolate chick, so we can test the garden theory during the week if his tummy is feeling better.

It's been bad. I ate a lot of fair bit of chocolate after lunch and by teatime was feeling decidedly weird. Checked blood sugar, it was high but not so high as to warrant feeling the way I felt. Maybe it was hunger? I demolished a ham sandwich and felt much better: note to self, chocolate is not an adequate food substitute.

It's been ugly. We went out to Littlehampton this evening for chips and a beach walk. Ben was complaining of tummy ache (we should have listened, really) but said the car journey made it stop hurting. Got to the car park, he did a horrible sounding burp which had me leaping out of the car thinking I was going to have to clean him up there and then; picked a clean Ben up out of his seat and he was promptly sick onto the tarmac. All that chocolate.

He felt much better after that and managed an hour's waiting for chips - it took us half an hour to wander down to the chippy, and half an hour waiting, and then he attacked the chips and sausage with gusto!

You can tell what order my priorities are these day though can't you. There really should be a picture of an incredible glowing red sunset in here somewhere. There isn't because although I commented on it, it wasn't until I'd been sated with chips that I looked round with camera in hand to discover it had just gone out of view. Ah well.

Ben's gone to bed exhausted and still says his tummy hurts. I have to say he's been saying it hurts for a couple of days now, I'm thinking it's quite probably a mix of acid indigestion and wind because he's got no temperature or any other symptoms. Hopefully now he's asleep his tummy can calm down a bit but I think he and Steve will be out on a mission in the morning to find infant gaviscon or something like that. Along with windeze and rennies - my two best friends at the moment. (Alongside chips, diet coke, and apple juice.) (Of course.)

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