All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The scenic route home

It might be Easter Monday today but I was working. It's a long time since I was offered the opportunity to work a bank holiday so my bank account was shouting at me "yes please work it"! I only worked 8am - 2pm though so a nice short day. I still took Ethan in to nursery though even though hubbie was off today as he still isn't feeling 100%. However, he did take Zoe back to the vet today for her to be checked over again. She had blood samples taken, is on more antibiotics and has to wear a plastic funnel type collar to stop her licking her sore behind. She's not impressed!

After I finished work, I had a quick wander round The Gyle before driving home. Rather than my usual whizz down the M8, I took the back roads, over the canal and along through East Calder. It's really pretty that way and I often used to go home along those roads in the pre Ethan days, when there was no rush to get back. It was nice to have a leisurely drive home with no pressure to get Ethan straight away. I picked him up just after 3pm, so still much earlier than usual.

Hubbie then looked after him at home while I cut the grass in the front garden. The back garden will have to wait for another day as it always seems to take so long.

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