michigan man

By outdoorguy


No! No! No! Say It Ai'nt Snow!!!

Woke up to a pretty good snowstorm, and only 36 degrees. It's April 18 !!! We're about ready to fire our weathermen and ladies.

All I've got is my birdfeeder and my cold, cold little birdies. I had to make a birdseed run today, and my 35 lb. bag went up to $1o.oo dollars. The birds are lucky I like them so much.

Of my shots of the day, it was a blue-jay with a peanut in his beak,a sparrow giving me the stink-eye, a chpmunk hiding under my basketball pole base, and this cardinal. Due to its redness...the cardinal wins.

One thought about the cardinal and many other bird and animal species. Why did God choose to make the male so much prettier than the female, and then he gets to the humans...and we males get the much lower end of the looks?

One more comment. We have a neighborhood hawk who terrorizes the area. One day we came home from church, and our back porch was covered with red feathers and a tiny red beak. Such efficient eaters, but why could'nt he have got a mourning dove? Much slower amd more meat.

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