All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Choo choo shoes

Last night hubbie & I went to see Peter Kay at the SECC in Glasgow. I've been dying to see him live for years now and was so pleased when I managed to buy tickets when they went on sale 18 months ago. It has been a long wait, but well worth it as he was, as expected, very funny!

After the gig, we headed over to Beith to stay the night with my parents, as they had taken Ethan over there earlier in the day. They had unfortunately had a big battle getting Ethan to sleep, finally winning the battle just before 9pm. Although he did then sleep through the night, he woke for the day at 5.55am. Hubbie was on duty this morning so got up and I got the lie in this morning.

After lunch, we headed home, where Ethan had great fun playing outdoors in the sunshine, both in our back garden and also walking up and down our street with his baby walker. His new shoes are getting lots of use at the moment! I love the detail Clarks have even put on the soles although I'm not sure Ethan will ever notice it!

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