All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Well, well, well! What a good pair of babies we had last night!

Foreveryoung and baby Eden stayed the night with us last night. It's the first time she has stayed away from home overnight with Eden and the first time Eden has slept in a travel cot. As Ethan hasn't been sleeping well either recently, we were fully prepared for a bad nights sleep. However ..... Ethan slept from about 7.45pm till 6.10am and Eden slept from 10pm till 6am-ish too! That's the longest she has ever slept overnight and I think 8 hours is pretty darn good for a 6 week old!

We pottered around the house for most of the morning although Grandpa did venture out to take Ethan out to the playpark on his tricycle. (Granny & Grandpa also stayed overnight with us last night). Ethan's latest thing is giving kisses. Sometimes it's a big smacker on the lips and sometimes it's a blown kiss with his hand. This morning, Eden was the lucky recipient of a big smacker from her cousin!

Late morning, Granny & Grandpa went back to Beith and took Ethan with them. Hubbie and I have a night out in Glasgow tonight so will head over to Beith ourselves after that. It has been strange though not having Ethan around. We took Foreveryoung and Eden over to their new house in Bathgate to meet up with her hubbie. They got the keys for the house yesterday and are arranging for it to be cleaned, painted and have new carpets put down before they move in. Can't wait for them to move as they'll be much nearer us then.

I'm away for an afternoon siesta now before my night out. Bliss!

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