All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Blossom, two weeks on

What a difference two weeks can make in the world of nature. Here's our blossom tree a fortnight ago and today it's finally in full bloom. It's a shame it the flowers don't last very long though as it's so pretty. I probably haven't done it justice in this photo as it was an emergency "uh oh it's 7.30pm and I haven't taken any photos yet" blip and the light outside wasn't very good.

Not much to report today. Ethan ended up in bed with us at 5am. Then a day of work followed for both hubbie & I, before he picked up Ethan from nursery (they had to wake him as it was 4.30pm and he was still sleeping). We then had a few hours of grumpy Ethan who refused to eat any dinner but he then fell asleep during his bottle of milk. Fingers crossed for a full night sleep from him plus a wake up at a decent time for once!

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