must try harder

By halfcj

I beg your pardon....

I never promised you a rose garden!

Well actually, there is a climbing variety on the right hand tree, but it's pathetic. the Camelias are beautiful though, and a Rhodie, yet to bloom for some reason? Looking forward to seeing them all on the Masters coverage this coming week. Always a good golfing feast this weekend! I was there the year Olazabal won, cheering on the Europeans, and what an experience. One story from that trip.... friends and I were sat in the middle of the course having some lunch on our laps. We were all marveling at the grass, how amazing and perfect it was, almost sacrilege to be sat on it even though it was the designated picnic area. (I think it was the driving range for members?). Anyhow, we were running our hands across the surface watching it spring back to a perfectly trimmed length when a man in a green jacket walked by. (OMG - a member or official). He called down to us...

"Find any weeds fellas?", he asked.

"No sir" we answered politely being acutely aware we shouldn't upset the members, those who tread the Holy ground week in week out (well, probably one or twice a year in reality)

"Never mind..." he continued, "...keep looking, when you find something, take it up to the Clubhouse and they'll pay you for it!"

If his intention was to impress us, he did! We did look, but found absolutely not a single one, anywhere. I guess it's a cheap enough gamble if you already know there are none!

Well my grass is nowhere near that standard!!, but following my blip on 2nd April and some of the generous comments I received, I thought I would kill a few birds with one stone.
a. I thought I would show you my whole garden as so many seemed to like it,
b. show you that the grass really is greener on the other side - especially at Augusta!
c. give myself a chance to do my first 360 panorama as a blip. (they're much harder than I remember!)

As for yesterday's 100 blip, thank you all for your kind comments, and apologies if I have missed responding to you all, it's been a busy day and I have been a bit slack in my comments over the last week or so. I promise I will catch up on everyone's journals soon.

Well, it's the day after my 100th blip, and still I haven't had my card from Lizzie! I'm upset.

PS - Obviously best viewed large.

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