must try harder

By halfcj

Damn pests!

Fell behind on my blip yesterday...had 1500+ photos to process for family wedding shots! - I'm exhausted! Went OK though....I think. The results are quite nice.

I was however continuously interrupted by phone calls, most all of them with caller ID withheld. What is it with the whole withheld ID numbers! I'm not even sure where I stand on them, What I will say is that I don't necessarily want everyone to know who I am, so my solution for outgoing is to have two phone lines and two mobile phones (coincidentally and not for ID reasons only, it's personal and business lines that's all), and one of them is caller ID off and the other on. I do like to see who's calling me though, so if I get a call (as with one of my outgoing phones) where the number is withheld, I find it soooooooooooo annoying.

As a consequence, I tend not to even pick them up, mostly because they seem to be nuisance or selling calls anyway. That culminated in a call today where I asked what it was in connection with, to be told the call was on behalf of British Consumers.

"What? That'll be me then?" was my retort

"All British Consumers sir" was the reply. At least to this point she was polite.

"Well I can't confess to be all of them..." I admitted, "...but I think I'm one of them at least!"

"No sir....we are the British Consumers, it's an organisation!" she contradicted (herself).

" And what do you want?'
I asked, "...because if your selling or researching, I'm up to my eyeballs right now.".

She put the phone down on me.

So I made myself a cup of coffee and went out into the sunshine and contemplated my blip for the day. It had to be something with telephones. Something about caller ID's and how companies hide them to trick you into answering a call because you're too afraid to miss a call in case it's great news.

Whilst sat there soaking up the lovely warmth of today's weather....there, on my coffee cup, the first wasp of spring. Now I thought they arrived much later in the year? So as I'm frowning to myself, trying to see if somewhere in the depths of my brain there is some recollection or knowledge of when wasps arrive, the damn thing falls into my piping hot coffee! No! Not my coffee! We've had a wasp catcher hanging in the garden for over a year hasn't caught a single wasp! My coffee had been on the garden table for less than 2 minutes and it had caught one! What's that all about?

So I blipped this wasp catcher (cute little symbol of a wasp on it!) which is supposed to attract them, they fly up into it and can't fly back downwards out of it! Can't say it works. Still as clean and wasp free as it was the day we bought it.

I had to make a new coffee! Damn Wasps.

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