must try harder

By halfcj

More and More Beautiful by the Moment!

I'd taken a shot of a very wierd contraption in Bushy Park, not sure what it is. It intrigued me and maybe someone in blipland will be able to tell me what it is....but that'll have to wait for another day....

...for we sat down after our walk with Dilly for our usual...2 americanos, one decaf, one fully drugged up, and I caught B 'people-watching'. She was totally engrossed in a fella that jumped out of his top-of-the-range 6 series BMW, 2 designer kids, sideburns, cowboy boots, shades that you could only wear if you had "nuts the size of pumpkins", (this is a bit of a steal from the film 'Notting Hill, where Spike enters the room reading a news paper oblivious to the presence of Anna announcing he has a story that'll "...shrink your nuts to size of raisons" - only in reverse)....I digress...., tattoos that covered his forearms completely, loud shirt and a swagger Marilyn Monroe delivered with far more sex appeal at a quarter the speed.

I could see what was going through her mind. If we had pulled up at that spot, parked up in her beloved Renault Clio, District Nurse parking permit on or not, you can guarantee either someone would let us know we shouldn't be parked there, it's dangerous, or we'd get a ticket whilst we were in the supermarket picking up our wine for the evening's he was. There's a perfectly good car park behind the supermarket!

No, no-one says a word to him as he hops, skips and jumps back into his small pen.., sorry, car, holding up traffic as he pulls away at great speed with his hand up in acknowledgement at the guy forced to let him out when he barged his way into the middle of the road. Of course, what you must appreciate is that this chap was and is far more important than the rest of us...that was obvious.

Unfortunately, I hadn't realised in time that he was this important, otherwise I would have taken a shot of him, like a local paparazzi, to sell to the local Richmond and Twickenham Times. They'd want to know he was in town after all. No, I missed him but I did manage to get B just as she turned to me and was about to give me that all too familiar 'look' she has when 'gobsmacked'.

My curious object was immediately demoted for I knew as soon as I looked in the viewer that she would be my blip tonight. And sure enough, this shot was followed by her 'look', the one I have mentioned before where no words are really needed. Thoughts in tune, but I couldn't resist breaking the silence just to make doubly sure we were thinking the same, so I said it, knowing she wouldn't, certainly in public.

"Arse!" I mouthed.

B stole a quote from the very same character in 'Notting Hill', when Hugh Grant seeks confirmation from Spike that he has, in fact, been a bit of a 'pr**k'. Spike's reply, like B's, is silent, a half smile and an exagerated nod.

PS - best viewed large to reveal the true beauty!

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