must try harder

By halfcj

Summer must be on the way!

Wow...warm enough to have the first BBQ of the year! Fantastic!

Some great steaks, sausages, chicken, asparagus, baby sweet corn, cous cous and roast veg and french bread....oh, and wine of course. Who could ask for more. Tom's oldest friend H and her BF (partner really) joined us. We reminisced getting out old photos to embarrass them both, stories of arguments, naked tumbles, break up and make up when they were three years old. How it seems like yesterday. H remembered everything. Tom nothing. Don't think it's a boy thing, just a Tom thing.

We were reminded of events that would have social services knocking at our door, maybe even still!

Of B leaving young Joe as a baby at H's house and not realising until she had arrived home. "...forgotten something?" B was quizzed on her return.

Of late snowy christmas nights leaving a party and Tom sliding out of his 'Moses' basket down a flight of half a dozen steps or so leaving his parents holding an empty basket - not the baby! Those little baby snow suits were worth their weight in gold!

Easy to laugh now. And we did!

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