
By liammitchell7

Model Making - Day 3

I spent Tuesday finishing the sides of the bamboo using the belt sander as well as sand paper. After this and allowing time for the glue to dry on the backboard, I spent the remainder of the day making 3 replica Andy Warhol Campbell's Soup Tins. This entailed upcycling and cleaning 3 tin cans and creating a similar label to the ones used on the retro Campbell's tins. The resaon for doing this is because the client has a love for Pop Art and Andy Warhol and owns an original tin and I wanted to create replicas in my design in order to WOW hims and answer the brief. My replica tins are to hold small magnets in the base which can then activate reed switches in the shelf and light up the LEDs on the front of the model. I created 3 small MDF circles to encase the magnets and be placed inside the tin cans. I created and shaped them again using the belt sander having measured and used a compass to obtain the required diameter. After this I sanded the MDF further by using wet and dry and then painted them silver to match the colour of the tins and then glued a small magnet inside the base.

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