
By liammitchell7

Model Making - Day 2

Today I spent time in the morning constructing the backboard that my shelving structure will hang from. This back is also used to hold the electrical circuit that will light up the LEDs on the front of the device. Using the tongue and grooves in the bamboo flooring, I glued 5 pieces together to laminate up and clamped the together whilst they driend to creat a bigger, flat and neat board. Once these dried, I then laminated more bamboo to creat a frame around the back to add a depth and hide the circuit. This was then also glued and clamped until dry.

I then spent the rest of the day, forming and shaping the bamboo used in the shelving structure to create a more aesthetically pleasing finish. I used the belt sander to fillet the edges and make them more convexed, safer and better looking. I used a compass to mark off where I needed to sand to and make sure all the pieces were identical.

After this I then made a stopped housing joint to at a bottom shelf to allow the client to store his prized posessions. I also flitted these corners for the same reasons as stated above.

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