Clean Slate

By cleanslate

I'm ill, honestly...

Believe it or not, this is a sick child, off school. Which makes me a Mum off work (again!) Oh well, could be worse.

I'm still experimenting with picutres in low light, this was about 5pm (inside). Although there was still some sun coming through the windows, I would previously have resorted to flash.

For the audience who are interested (you know who you are), he's just got a cold, but he's up and down with temperature, tummy ache and sudden need to be cuddled. To fully establish context, you should know he's also played football in the garden twice, played basketball at childminders for 40 minutes while I went to Podiatry appointment for no.2 son and had an ice-cream. I wouldn't classify this as a serious illness, but I'm not planning to send him in to school tomorrow.

For those interested in No.2 son's podiatry appointment (you know who you are!) they were really pleased with him. Physio said he'd improved since last time she'd seen him and Podiatrist(?) said his feet roll very slightly but ordinary boots will correct that and he doesn't need insoles. She said when you look from behind his ankles are very straight and even though he doesn't have arches yet, they don't usually come until they're 3 anyway. She seemed pretty impressed with him all around and he totally performed for them both!

In other news, crazy nosey neighbour has now put a bench in her front garden and has watched my unusual comings and goings over the last 2 days with interest. The rightmove app has been upgraded to the home page of my iPhone....

Back blips for the last couple of days here and here

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