
The only way to describe it.

Apologies for lazy blip and poor quality photos - difficult to do SP's with my fixed lens - my arms aren't quite long enough to hold the camera the right distance away. James thought it was quite difficult to tell which person was which in the cropped shot - even he is thinking we look alike!

A strange conversation about the acronym "WTF" - James commented that it was rude, but wouldn't say why (because he knows better). The next ten minutes were spent making up combinations of words to match the acronym

Wibbly Tomcat Farts
Weeble toe fungus
"Where to, Frank?"

You can imagine.

Just what I needed.

Other things I need are:
Snuggle time with Jimbo.
Lots of love and hugs from my boys.
Hot water bottle.
Answers to many questions.
A comfortable position to sleep in (don't ask, because you really do not want me to start telling you why!!!)
A long lie in.
A magic wand to fix everything that's wrong.

The first 5 are do-able, so I am going to address those needs right now!

Night all.

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