I just thought it might be...

a lovely day today, when I woke up to glorious sunshine streaming through the windows and didn't have to put a coat on.

I didn't realise how many lovely moments my day would contain and how making a decision NOT to do something would make me feel so much more gratified at the end of the day.

The best bit of the day was getting home early-ish and spending a happy hour and a half in the kitchen with James, who has decided that he wants to learn to cook. So he chopped onions, grated cheese, fried onions, garlic, leeks and chicken, sloshed in the wine ("Go on Jim, just slosh it in" - which prompted him to splash it all over like it was Brut and say "ah Sod it!" - Keith Floyd in the making!!), added stock, stirred and kept an eye on it, then finished it off with cream and parmesan. He served it (honestly) up onto two plates, with the chilli coated home made chunky oven chips I had made earlier. He laid the table, put bread, butter and a knife and then brought Corin's meal over and said "Here you go Sir". I have to say, he worked really hard, didn't disappear or get distracted and he sat and waited expectantly for the seal of approval. He got two clean plates in return and was super proud of himself!

Best bit? Whilst we did all of that, we also cooked a beef in red wine for tomorrow night's tea. Bonus!

In all, my day included:
Lovely lessons with wonderful students who are full of mature and interesting ideas and who seem to have developed a real sense of competition and motivation between them. It is wonderful to actually be used as a sounding board for ideas; to be asked "If I do this, will it help me to move towards a Distinction"; to see independance and a sense of teamwork and peer support.

I was asked by a student in one of these classes today if I would do an interview, along with a number of other staff, to express our views on how teaching has changed in the years that we have been in the profession, what our concerns are for the education system, what brought us into teaching and whether, if we were making the decision now, would we still become teachers. Aside from the questions being quite insightful from a 14 year old, it caused me to reflect, and I told him that lessons like the one we had had that morning were one of the real joys of my job and balanced out any of the negative experiences that it might bring.

Ten minutes with Fisherking at break and a chat in my office, friendly concern - he knows I am out of sorts. Always there for me - thank you :-)

I managed to get a stack of jobs done, so I am now ready to tackle my marking pile again over the next few days. I do not intend to get to the Easter holiday (18 more get ups for us, 8 more for James!) and find that I have a stack of work to do. No sir!

Sat in on a lesson to provide some informal support and feedback. I enjoy that aspect of my work too - not the 'monitoring' aspect, but the chance to see different lessons, different styles of teaching and to be regarded well enough by colleagues that they actually seek feedback and want to be coached. Sometimes I don't manage to do the right thing by people, but I really do try most of the time!

Managed a genuine half hour lunch break and a chance to catch up with another colleague and put the world to rights over a coffee and a slice of cake. Feel like I have unburdened myself quite a bit too. Good listener - thanks "M"!

Supported other colleagues along the way and had the pleasure of NOT shouting at a youngster this afternoon, but instead playing "Genie in the lamp" and granting them what seems to be their biggest wish - not to be part of our school (although only for a day this time). It was worth not shouting to observe the look of bemused pissed-off-ness that he didn't push my angry button. I have come to realise that sometimes the element of surprise is greatest when you don't raise your voice!!!

A perfect clear night just finished it all off. Although I know I am not myself right now, a good day like today makes me feel a great deal closer to it.

Night all

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