A jaunt

For the first time in ages, I didn't collapse when I got home at the end of the week.

We thought it was going to be a clear night so we went over to Crosby to my cousin's place, with the intention of doing some stargazing on the beach. The cloud came in and scuppered that plan.

However, we all went to the beach, in the dark, played in the dunes and generally arsed about. It was fun. James, Rob and Charlie rampaged about (and Rob Senior too), whilst Corin and I pottered about taking photos. That's Corin standing nice and still...he does look like an Iron Man, but it is definitely him! Some others from tonight are here

Was lovely and the temperature made it all the nicer - no chill in the air.

The tide came in whilst we were walking back across the sand covered field, and as we were approaching the house, it became apparent that a big ship of some sort was leaving the docks and a naval vehicle came up the estuary into port. Suddenly the sealane was busy, with tugs and other boats.

So no stars, but a lovely night doing something that I wouldn't have thought of doing normally. Made a pleasant change.

The letter came today. It tells me I have to ring for an appointment. I waited two weeks for that! The appointment will be within 6 weeks of the phonecall...that's a start. I need it because I think things are getting worse. Am OK though - just trying to get on with it at the moment.

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