Roly's Life

By Roly


Well it is an awful blip - even by my pretty shoddy standards!

Ben and I had a brilliant night last night at the Scout Dinner Dance thingy, but it meant I struggled to get up for Badger Parade with the Brownies. Nevermind, I made it with Bella in tow.

Afterwards I decided I couldn't face going home to squabbling children I would pretend I only had one child. So we didn't go home and had a lovely girlie afternoon together. I got a new cable for my phone, Bella got make up, jewelry, a handbag and sunglasses - my baby is growing up :-(

As it was chuffing cold, we arranged for Ben to drive down with the other 3 and we went to Pizza Express for tea.

That's it really, this is the best I can offer and now I am off to bed.

So yesterday's nudity - no I wasn't naked, I had my knickers on...

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